Specific technological aspects that are not easily unraveled after death and succession

the need for specific legislation


  • Henrique Avelino Lana
  • Cinthia Fernandes Ferreira


Death, Heirs, Succession, Legislation, Digital Will


Traditionally focused on tangible and intangible assets, succession law now faces new challenges with the advent of digital assets such as online accounts, electronic files, and intellectual properties on the internet. These assets differ in terms of access, ownership, and privacy, requiring specific regulations. This article highlights the importance of a digital will and the need for access to digital information after death, addressing legal challenges such as the difficulty for heirs to access digital accounts and the protection of the deceased’s privacy. It also analyzes existing laws in various jurisdictions, pointing to the urgency of clear and coherent legislation that defines the rights of heirs and establishes guidelines for the management of digital assets after death. The research emphasizes the importance of including digital assets in succession planning, avoiding the loss of valuable data and legal conflicts.



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How to Cite

Lana, H. A., & Ferreira, C. F. (2024). Specific technological aspects that are not easily unraveled after death and succession: the need for specific legislation. Vox Journal, (18), 90–111. Retrieved from https://www.fadileste.edu.br/revistavox/index.php/revistavox/article/view/85



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