From the series (dis)respect to the Constitution

should legislative decrees be approved by an absolute majority?


  • Hugo Garcez Duarte


Disinformation, Social network, Unconstitutionality, Quorum, Legislative Decrees


This article intends to promote a critique of the constant acts of disrespect for the Constitution, focusing on a publication by the Federal Senate on the social network Instagram, when it suggests, among other technical inaccuracies, the unconstitutionality that Legislative Decrees must be approved by an absolute majority quorum. The research is qualitative and the legal arguments are grouped into three points, which add legislative predictions and doctrinal positions on the primary normative species, the meaning of quorum terminology and its treatment in Brazil since the 1988 Federal Constitution, and the positioning of Legislative Decrees in the contemporary constitutional order. The ultimate aim is to prove our hypotheses and draw the reader’s attention to the fact that the readings of the Constitution and legal constructions arising from it call for attention, in the name of due legal knowledge, the fight against misinformation and the prohibition of arbitrary will.


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How to Cite

Duarte, H. G. (2024). From the series (dis)respect to the Constitution: should legislative decrees be approved by an absolute majority?. Vox Journal, (18), 48–59. Retrieved from



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