The possibility of conducting an extrajudicial inventory even with the existence of a will


  • Alexandra Maria Almeida Rocha Carvalho Garcia
  • Reinaldo Laviola Verner


Extrajudicial Inventory, Testament, Possibility


With the introduction of Law n. 11.441/2007, a significant shift allowed extrajudicial notaries to perform specific procedures, with this ability later expanded by the Civil Procedure Code of 2015. While the code dictates that inventory should be judicial under certain circumstances, like the existence of a will, there are interpretations occasionally allowing extrajudicial inventory even with a will in place. Due to the judiciary’s overload, there’s a trend to shift responsibilities towards notaries, seeking agility and efficiency. Extrajudicial inventory emerged as an answer to this need, especially when there are no incapable heirs and consensus on the division. However, the presence of a will raises questions about the feasibility of extrajudicial inventory.


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How to Cite

Garcia, A. M. A. R. C., & Verner, R. L. (2024). The possibility of conducting an extrajudicial inventory even with the existence of a will. Vox Journal, (18), 112–125. Retrieved from



he Brazilian judiciary system between the Constitution and the new social demands