Applicability of the socio-educational measure of internment for acts analogous to the crime of rape of a vulnerable person


  • Nília Borelli Vargas
  • Marcus Satler Rocha


Rape of a Vulnerable Person, Infractional act, Exceptionality, Majority, Child and teenager


With the promulgation of the 1988 Constitution, as well as the Child and Adolescent Statute, the recognition and guarantee of constitutional rights for minors became apparent in society, bringing in return the figure of socio-educational measures as a way of holding minors responsible. offenders of their criminal conduct. This article, based on analyzes of jurisprudence and doctrine, seeks to understand how the Brazilian legal system addresses this form of accountability for minor offenders who reach the age of criminal responsibility during the judicial process. Furthermore, this study examines the ethical and moral challenges that affect the criminal type in question, which directly influence the actions of the Legislative, Judiciary and Executive Powers. The aim is to explain the multifaceted aspects that must be interpreted by law practitioners to apply the socio-educational measure of hospitalization to individuals over 18 years of age and under 21 years of age, when, at the time of committing an infraction analogous to the crime of rape of a vulnerable person, they were minors, being fundamental to academic discussions and serving as a guide for public policies and judicial decisions.


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How to Cite

Vargas, N. B., & Rocha, M. S. (2024). Applicability of the socio-educational measure of internment for acts analogous to the crime of rape of a vulnerable person. Vox Journal, (18), 60–74. Retrieved from



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