The fine line between child influencers and child labor


  • Aluer Baptista Freire Júnior
  • Lorrainne Andrade Batista


Child influencers, Social networks, Child labor, Digital work


The legal system prohibits child labor for those under the age of 16 (sixteen), except in the capacity of an apprentice. However, with the professionalization of digital influencers, the minimum age, in practice, has not been observed, and moreover, the legislation is silent, necessitating expansion. Due to this legal gap, child labor tends to find new avenues, given the fine line between minor influencers and child labor. In this analysis, the article aims to demonstrate the characterization of child labor through the profession of digital influencer. To this end, it discusses child labor; digital work; Bill 10.938/18; it includes the prevention and eradication of child labor; and finally, it highlights the fine line between minor influencers and child labor. The problem presented is: when does fun become work? To achieve its objective, it employed a bibliographic research methodology, complemented by an inductive approach and analytical-descriptive procedure.


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How to Cite

Freire Júnior, A. B., & Batista, L. A. (2024). The fine line between child influencers and child labor. Vox Journal, (18), 10–35. Retrieved from



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